Yoga for Kidz is a fun and interactive way for children to learn and practice yoga. Through simple and playful poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques, kids can improve their strength, flexibility, balance, and focus while also reducing stress and anxiety. The Yoga for Kidz playhouse are designed to be inclusive, age-appropriate, and engaging, allowing children to explore and express themselves in a safe and supportive environment. With regular practice, yoga can help children develop healthy habits, positive self-esteem, and a lifelong love of movement and mindfulness.

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Benefits of Yoga for Kidz:

Yoga is a great way for children to exercise, relax and have fun at the same time. It can help them develop flexibility, balance, strength, and coordination, as well as improve their concentration and reduce stress and anxiety. Here are some tips on how to introduce yoga to kids:

Keep it short and simple:

Children have short attention spans, so it's best to keep the yoga sessions short and simple. Start with a few minutes of warm-up exercises, followed by a few poses, and end with a relaxation exercise.

Choose age-appropriate poses:

Kids' bodies are still developing, so it's important to choose poses that are safe and suitable for their age and level of development. Start with simple poses such as the tree pose, the cat-cow stretch, and the downward-facing dog.

Encourage creativity and self-expression:

Yoga is a great way for children to express themselves creatively and explore their emotions. Encourage them to come up with their own poses and movements, and let them express themselves through music and art.

Keep it fun and playful:

Children are naturally curious and love to explore. Make the yoga sessions fun and playful by using games, stories, songs, and creative visualizations.

Use props:

Props such as blocks, blankets, and straps can help children achieve the correct alignment in their poses and make the experience more enjoyable.

What We Offer:

Paid Newsletter

Looking for a fun and engaging way to introduce your child to the world of yoga? Our paid newsletter for kids yoga is just what you need! Each week, your child will receive a new issue packed with age-appropriate yoga poses, games, stories, and creative visualizations designed to keep them engaged and entertained. Our experienced yoga instructors provide clear and easy-to-follow instructions, ensuring that your child can safely and confidently practice yoga on their own. Subscribe today and watch as your child develops flexibility, balance, strength, and coordination, while reducing stress and anxiety. Sign up now and give your child the gift of yoga!


Are you on the hunt for a hassle-free, yet incredibly effective way to ignite a lifelong love for health and wellness in your child? Look no further! Our premium online membership for kids’ yoga, expertly led by our seasoned instructor, is the golden ticket to their wellness journey.  Our user-friendly platform transforms your home into a wellness haven, offering your child an expansive treasure trove of yoga classes, captivating games, enchanting stories, and imaginative visualizations. With clear, child-friendly instructions from our trusted instructor, your little one can confidently embark on their yoga adventure right in your cozy living room.  But here’s the best part: we’re always keeping things fresh! With a constant flow of new, exciting content, your child will be on the edge of their mat, eager to explore the next captivating experience.  Join our vibrant community today, and be the hero who introduces your child to the magical world of yoga!

Personalized Coaching

As a parent, you want nothing but the best for your child, and our personalized coaching program for kids yoga delivers exactly that! Imagine your child receiving one-on-one attention from our experienced instructor, with a customized approach that addresses their specific needs and goals. Our program is designed to help your child develop flexibility, balance, strength, coordination, concentration, and overall well-being, all while having fun and feeling empowered. With weekly coaching sessions tailored to your child’s schedule and lifestyle, you can watch them flourish and grow in ways you never thought possible. 30 minute consultation required*

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